0800 NZ BARK
Cambium Bark
This product has been screened to remove fines and is an un-aged product consisting of small and large strappy bark, large nugget and cambium strips. It is best used over a weedmat base and locks into place with very little travel due to erosion etc. More of a practical ground cover versus soil enhancement but will biodegrade over time.

Small Nugget Bark (15-20mm)
This product has been screened to remove fines and is an un-aged product consisting of small and large strappy bark, large nugget and cambium strips. It is best used over a weedmat base and locks into place with very little travel due to erosion etc. More of a practical ground cover versus soil enhancement but will biodegrade over time. Ideal for more formal amenity gardens or for fall protection in a kids playground. Please note this is not a certified cushion fall product so not for use where certification is required.

Composted Forest Floor Mulch
This product has been composted for over six months and has a black colour versus that of fresh forest floor mulch. It has not been screened and there are some larger amounts of bark etc. in it. However when spread over garden beds it is immediately beneficial to the soil releasing nutrients and allowing microbial and worm activity to commence. As well as looking aesthetically pleasing, it improves soil fertility and organic content.

Composted Bark Fines
This product is the base product to our soil/landscape blends. The base to the majority of our soil and garden blends. These fines are composted over a period of time and is a sterilised product (weed free). This product also looks fantastic as a mulch or soil enhancer in the garden.
Please note if you wish to grow vegetables etc we recommend the garden mix or blend this product with topsoil for optimum results.

Special Blends
Including potting mix - let us know what you need.

Special Products
Periodically we have wood shavings, wood chip and other organic products available. If you require one-off quotes on products such as these please feel free to contact us for availability and a quote.